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Monitoring food temperature

Food handling


The most important way to prevent bacteria from growing in food is to maintain it at the right temperature. The temperature of food is most accurately taken using a probe thermometer.

The thermometer must be cleaned and sanitised before and after every use.

How to clean and use a probe thermometer to check food temperature

  • Wipe away any food waste or other visible contamination
  • Wash the probe with warm water and detergent
  • Sanitise using an appropriate sanitiser (for example, an alcohol wipe) or hot water (for example, 77 °C or hotter for at least 30 seconds)
  • Dry thoroughly by leaving to air dry or by using a single use towel
  • Insert the probe into the center or thickest part of the food
  • Read the temperature (and record if applicable).   

Helpful tips

Always remember to:

  • put the probe into the thickest part of the food
  • wash and sanitise the probe between every reading
  • store the probe where all staff have access to it
  • make sure the thermometer is calibrated regularly
  • fix the problem if food is not at the required temperature, for example, continue to heat it or throw it out. 

Answer this practice question...

In what order should you use a thermometer?

Incorrect! Why is this?

Correct! Why is this?

You have the right to reject the delivery if you find the food unsafe

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